Saturday 28 February 2009

Sharepoint support in Scotland for searching email

If permitted by administration levels Sharepoint can allow searches to dig deep into email folders ensuring that nothing stays lost.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Biztalk in Scotland – what does Biztalk Pipeline Execution mean

Pipelines allow messages to be processed before and/or after they pass through the Message Box. The execution activities can transformation or even encryption type activities. Biztalk

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Sharepoint support in Scotland for search relevance

Inbuilt to the search facilities in Sharepoint is the ability to ascertain relevance by looking at various parameters such as anchor text and depth within a menu structure.

Saturday 21 February 2009

Web development in Scotland – be regular

One of the things that many website owners do is forget to keep things updated. Try and build in some regular activity to review and update your website. As web developers we see the benefits from regular updates – it keeps the customer coming back and it also helps with SEO.

Friday 20 February 2009

Sharepoint support in Scotland for searching documents

The Enterprise Search facilities within Sharepoint allow documents to be searched fast to retrieve the information needed. When adding documents you can also add meta data to ensure that Search works fast and effectively every time.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Biztalk in Scotland – what is a Biztalk Message Box

The Biztalk MessageBox is a SQL Data Database where the messages pass through. Easy.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Web developers in Scotland – video

As web developers we are often asked to add video to websites. We use DNN and have our own control that makes that dead easy. We basically hook into YouTube. If you prefer to host your own videos and do your own streaming then you will need a server capable of that.

Monday 16 February 2009

Sharepoint support in Scotland for targeted audiences

By defining content based on the type of visitor or audience who may find it of interest Sharepoint websites ensure that users obtain relevant and interesting content at all times. The result is a system which can target content at specific audience types.

Saturday 14 February 2009

Biztalk in Scotland – what is a Biztalk Send Port

A Biztalk Send Port accepts messages from a Message Box and then sends them on. However, the Send Port itself can have Maps or Pipelines associate with it allowing the message to be altered prior to its onward journey.

The Send Port is a highly flexible Biztalk endpoint to allow messages to reach their end destination.

Friday 13 February 2009

Web development in Scotland – using RSS

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is supported by almost all good CMS packages. Basically it allows your website to publish some of its copy as an easy to digest string of text. Not only is that preferable to some humans – the search engines also like it. An of course your own site can include RSS feeds from other sites if you want to publish other businesses news. As web developers we prefer to publish our own RSS feeds rather than use other folks.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Sharepoint support in Scotland for website personalisation

Personalisation features well within Sharepoint providing the user with the comfort of having some control over the environment that they work in. RSS feeds, for instance, are one area where a user can potentially define their own preferences.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Biztalk in Scotland – what does Biztalk pub/sub mean

In Biztalk the term pub/sub is used. All it means in crude terms is that messages are subscribed for (subscription) by the Send Ports – ie they declare what they want. And the publisher (Pub) is in essence simply broadcasting or notifying the interested parties.

Monday 9 February 2009

Web developers in Scotland – size

Size isn’t everything but in the web development world size does matter. Websites that have “depth” will by their nature probably attract more attention than thin websites. As web developers we find that the most compelling way to build depth is to add news and resources making the site genuinely interesting to the web visitor.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Sharepoint support in Scotland for managing tasks

Sharepoint supplies various techniques for creating and managing tasks with workflow being such a core part of Sharepoint alerts notify users of the tasks required of them and a specific users task list will follow them around the areas or connected websites as they move around the Sharepoint controlled environment.

Friday 6 February 2009

Biztalk in Scotland – what is a Biztalk Receive Port

As the name suggests a Receive Port takes messages into the system if enabled to do so. If handling XML then XSLT transformations can be applied to handle multiple different message types making the Receive Port potentially very flexible. Once a message received it is passed through the Message Box (a SQL Database).

Thursday 5 February 2009

Web development in Scotland – structure

When you are laying out your website it is important to think about the website menu structure. As web developers we have got used to going this and it sort of becomes obvious. For new comers think about logical groupings of products and services and keep them together. For SEO purposes ensure that you don’t put too many different things you do on one page – ideally one page equals one message.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Sharepoint support in Scotland for site templates

A variety of site templates are supplied with Sharepoint to ensure a consistency of look and feel across the enterprise regardless of what the visitor or user is looking at. Portal, mini sites, libraries and search results can all take on a common look. And if desired you can of course design your own templates.

Monday 2 February 2009

Biztalk in Scotland – what is a Biztalk Port

The physical in and out areas of Biztalk are called Ports. As you would expect you can have a Receive Port (for accepting incoming messages) and a Send Port (for dispatching outgoing messages).

Sunday 1 February 2009

Web developers in Scotland – copy

The copy on your website is the arguably the most important thing on your website. As web developers we have taken the view that it’s easier for us to do the first draft and then let customer’s tweek it. We have found that it can be a bit of a challenge for some folks new to the web to come up with the correct copy. And of course ideally it should be written with SEO in mind. So we do the first drafts to get things moving fast.

Nonetheless copy with a strong sales message is essential.